List of my 3 favorite sports in order

  1. Football
  2. Rugby
  3. Soccer

List of my favorite food in no particular order

Answers to the questions from HTML Lab #2, Task #1

  1. What is a server? How is it different than a standard computer?: A server is a computer and its purpose is to host web files that other users may be able to remotely access via an IP or a URL. It's different than a standard computer because a standard computer is able to do other tasks other than just host web files.
  2. What are the tags needed for HTML tables? < table > < /table> and < tr > < /tr > & < td > < /td>
  3. What does an iFrame allow you to do?: An iFrame allows you to embed media and other elements that may originate from another website
  4. What does the < a > tag do?: The < a > tag allows for a hyperlink to be created.
  5. What does the < tr > tag do?: It creates a table row in a table.

The link "Homepage" goes to the index/homepage of my website. Homepage.

The link "About Me" will goto my About me page of my wensite. About me

The link "Scratch Projects" will goto my page with my scratch projects. Scratch Projects

The link "Python Projects" will goto my page with all of my python projects. Python Projects

The link "Web Dev Page #1" will goto my page with the HTML Lab #1 questions & tasks. Web Dev Page #1

The link "Web Dev Page #2" will goto my page with the HTML Lab #2 questions & tasks. Web Dev Page #2

The link "Mobile Dev Page" will goto my page with the Mobile Labs & completed tasks. Mobile Dev Page

How much does it cost to develop a websitge?: According to, Simple information websites can cost 7k-10k, Mid sized informational websites can cost 11k-20k for a website of up to 20 pages. Simple e-commerce can cost 8k - 15k and mid sized e-commerce can cost 16k - 40k.